
Hemp Hearts – A Plant Powerhouse

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Good for you. Good for the planet.

In celebration of Non-GMO Month, we thought it was the perfect time to talk about the star ingredient in our new dairy-free yogurt – Non-GMO Hemp Hearts.

Why hemp hearts?

Because ingredients matter and we choose what goes into Tree Island grass-fed dairy and dairy-free yogurt recipes very carefully. We love that hemp is not only good for you but is also good for the planet.

Hemp hearts are a plant powerhouse as they are nutrient-dense and an environmentally friendly crop that can improve soil heath and sequester carbon.

Health Benefits:

  • Nutrient-dense, complete protein
  • Contains more than 20 varieties of vitamins and minerals
  • Rich in healthy fats
  • Easy to digest

Environmental Benefits:

  • Deep roots increase soil’s water-holding capacity and farmers’ ability to withstand drought
  • Hemp sequesters up to 1.63 tons of C02 for every ton of hemp grown!
  • Great cover crop: Enhances soil by shading out weeds
  • Soil Health: under minimal till management, hemp roots provide underground biomass to increase soil organic matter

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